Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

WAJAH AWAL JV (Initial Face)

Ketika atap sudah terpasang, sempat muncul keraguan atas ketepatan memilih atap miring. Ini memang sebuah pilihan tidak lazim: 2/3 bangunan memunculkan atap yang miring satu sisi ke utara, sementara 1/3 sisanya memakai atap model V konvensional. "Coba pikirkan baik-baik. Desain ini akan cepat bosan," begitu nasihat Opa Solo.

But show must go on. Ketika sampai ke tahap yang sudah sangat jauh, rasanya akan berat apabila merombak lagi desain atap yang sebetulnya menjadi basic dari konsep Jengki Vintage. Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

Initial face JV

When the roof was installed, had some doubt on the careful selection of a sloping roof. This is an unusual choice: 2/3 of building a sloping roof raises one side to the north, while the third rest stop wearing conventional V model. "Think carefully. This design will get bored quickly," so the advice Opa Solo.

But the show must go on. When it came to a stage that was very far away, it will be more severe if the remodel roof design which actually became the basic of concepts Jengki Vintage. Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

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